Community Clay Workshops

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Community Clay Workshops



Explore handbuilding in our monthly Community Clay class, now at Commongrounds Cooperative! Ideal for all ages – families, friends, individuals, and couples. Kids 5 and up can create on their own, under 5 need an adult to register too. Let's create beautiful pottery together!

3 Part Planter: Saturday, April 6, 10AM-12PM | $15.00

Our 3 part planter will be built using the three primary hand building techniques. We will start with a pinch pot, add as many hand rolled coils as you wish and finish off your pot with a slab built band at the top. And of course, we'll finish it off with a cool custom paint job. Let's gear up for plant season!

Van Gogh Swirly Picture: Saturday, May 11, 10AM-12PM | $15.00

No crayons or markers for this drawing, we will be using a variety of coils to draw a swirly Van Gogh inspired picture. Each person will start with a thin slab of clay, then use extruded coils to cover their slab in any pattern or picture they choose. And of course, we'll finish it off with a cool custom paint job.

Green Man: Saturday, June 8, 10AM-12PM | $15.00

The Green Man is a face made of leaves , flowers and vines, which normally spreads out from the center of the face. Our Green Man will be built using a slab, draped over an upside down bowl. From that starting point we will be adding leaves, flowers and vines to accompany the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. And of course, we'll finish it off with a cool custom paint job.

Animal Cups: Saturday, July 13, 10AM-12PM | $15.00

Cute and cuddly to slick and slimy, animals come in all shapes and sizes. Our animal cups will be built using slabs of clay for the body and bottom.  We will then be sculpting and adding all of the important details to our cups that set our animals apart.  And of course, we'll finish it off with a cool custom paint job.

Name Tiles: Saturday, August 10, 10AM-12PM | $15.00

Your name is your’s to own! This slab and coil combo project will let you sculpt your name onto a slab of clay to hang in your room or on your door. Starting with adding textures to the background, we will then add all of the important things that make you, you. Then we will finish our construction with hand rolled coils to use as lines to write our name.  And of course, we'll finish it off with a cool custom paint job.

Lets Make Pottery